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Yufeng Ke, Shuang Liu, Long Chen, Xiashuang Wang & Dong Ming. (2023). Lasting enhancements in neural efficiency by multi-session transcranial direct current stimulation during working memory training. npj Science of Learning, 8(1), 48. (SCI一区TOP)

Jingxin Chen, Yufeng Ke(共一), Guangjian Ni, Shuang Liu, Dong Ming. (2023). Evidence for modulation of EEG microstates by mental workload levels and task types. Human Brain Mapping. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.26552 (SCI二区TOP)

Yufeng Ke, Tao Wang, Feng He, Shuang Liu and Dong Ming. (2023). Enhancing EEG-based cross-day mental workload classification using periodic component of power spectrum. Journal of Neural Engineering. DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/ad0f3d.

Yufeng Ke; Shuang Liu; Dong Ming. (2023). Enhancing SSVEP Identification with Less Individual Calibration Data Using Periodically Repeated Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2023.3333435.

Yufeng Ke, Jiale Du, Shuang Liu, and Dong Ming. (2023). Enhancing Detection of Control State for High-Speed Asynchronous SSVEP-BCIs Using Frequency-Specific Framework, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 31, 1405-1417.

Zhang, B., Liu, S., Chen, S., Yan, F., Ke, Y.(共通讯), Chen, L., ... & Wei, X. (2022). Common and unique neural activities in subclinical depression and major depressive disorder indicate the development of brain impairments in different depressive stages. Journal of Affective Disorders, 317, 278-286.

Ke, Y., Jiang, T., Liu, S., Cao, Y., Jiao, X., Jiang, J., & Ming, D. (2021). Cross-task consistency of electroencephalography-based mental workload indicators: comparisons between power spectral density and task-irrelevant auditory event-related potentials. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 703139.

Ke, Y., Liu, P., An, X., Song, X., & Ming, D. (2020). An online SSVEP-BCI system in an optical see-through augmented reality environment. Journal of Neural Engineering, 17(1), 016066.

Yufeng Ke, Ningci Wang, Jiale Du, Linghan Kong, Shuang Liu, Minpeng Xu, Xingwei An and Dong Ming, The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Working Memory Training in Healthy Young Adults, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,2019,13(19)

Ke Yufeng, Wang Peiyuan, Chen Yuqian, Gu Bin, Qi Hongzhi*, Zhou Peng, Ming Dong, Training and testing ERP-BCIs under different mental workload conditions, Journal of neural engineering,2016;13(1):016007

Ke Yufeng, Qi Hongzhi, He Feng, Liu Shuang, Zhao Xin, Zhou Peng, Zhang Lixin, Ming Dong, An EEG-based mental workload estimator trained on working memory task can work well under simulated multi-attribute task, Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2014;8:703

Ke Yufeng, Qi Hongzhi, Zhang Lixin, Chen Shanguang, Jiao Xuejun, Zhou Peng, Zhao Xin, Wan Baikun, Ming Dong, Towards an effective cross-task mental workload recognition model using electroencephalography based on feature selection and support vector machine regression, International Journal of Psychophysiology,2015;98(2); 157-166



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3. 2023-2026,基于双眼差异刺激的视觉诱发电位编解码机制及其在脑-机接口中的应用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人。



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8. 2017.08-2019.02, 脑-机接口关键技术研究,纵向项目,项目负责人。

9. 2018.07.15-2018.12.31, 高脑力负荷神经调控试验与数据分析,企业委托项目,项目负责人

10. 2019-2020,基于脑机交互的多任务管控技术研究,纵向课题,项目负责人。

11. 2020.09-2021.01,脑力负荷实验软件研制,纵向课题,项目负责人。