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陈泽涛,工学博士,现任天津大学医学部应急医学研究院副研究员。2021年博士毕业于浙江大学生物医学工程专业,2022年加入天津大学医学部。主要研究方向为生物医学传感与检测、光学生物传感器、应急医学装备等,深入传感机理研究,专注于利用工程技术解决生物医学领域难题。以第一作者在Biosensors and Bioelectronics等领域内国际权威SCI期刊上发表学术论文3篇,累计参与发表SCI论文13篇。获授权发明专利3项,参与编写中英文学术著作5部。获省部级科学技术成果2项。荣获研究生国家奖学金,浙江大学优秀博士学位论文等荣誉。在领域内顶级国际学术会议World Congress on Biosensors上受邀发表口头报告,并多次参加领域内其他国内外学术会议并作口头报告。受邀担任Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology等SCI期刊审稿人。参与国家重点研发计划项目1项,并参与多项国家级和省级科研项目。







[1]  (在研)横向课题,电化学检测PCB电路板开发,(负责人)

[2]  (在研)2023.01-2023.12,天津大学自主创新基金,2023XJS-0076,基于电化学耦合光学便携式脓毒症早期诊断与捡伤分类研究,(负责人)

[3]  (在研)横向课题,便携式血栓动力图自反馈凝血检测模块研究,(负责人)

[4]  (在研)2021.06-2024.05,工信部装备攻关专项,帐篷式生物安全实验室便携式箱组化、运输保障及快速部署技术研究与现场示范应用,(参与);

[5]  (结题)2019.03-2020.03,大学生科技成果推广项目(新苗人才计划),2019R401228,基于电化学调控LSPR的生物传感器研究,(负责人);

[6]  (结题)2020.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,81971703,无线无源柔性电化学生化传感检测技术研究,(参与);

[7]  (结题)2018/12-2021/12,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2018YFC1707701,健康数据采集关键部件研究,(参与);

[8]  (结题)2018/01-2021/12,浙江省自然科学基金重点项目,LZ18C100001,用于爆炸物分子检测的微纳生物传感技术研究,(参与);

[9]  (结题)2017/01-2020/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,31671007,基于电化学局部表面等离子体共振的气味结合蛋白与多肽分子传感器研究,(参与);

[10]       (结题)2014/01-2017/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,81371643,基于微纳米电极阵列传感的味觉组织生物电子舌研究,(参与);



[1]  Zetao Chen, Fenni Zhang, Yaru Li, Jianzhen Shan, Yanli Lu, Qingjun Liu, Bio-electron transfer modulated localized surface plasmon resonance biosensing with charge density monitoring, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 201 (2022) 113956.

[2]  Zetao Chen, Fenni Zhang, Yanli Lu, Yaru Li, Guang Liu, Jianzhen Shan, Qingjun Liu, Bioelectronic modulation of single-wavelength localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) for the detection of electroactive biomolecules, Chinese Chemical Letters 33 (2022) 3144-3150.

[3]  Zetao Chen, Qingqing Zhang, Jianzhen Shan, Yanli Lu, Qingjun Liu, Detection of bitter taste molecules based on odorant-binding protein-modified screen-printed electrodes, ACS Omega 5 (2020) 27536–27545.

[4]  Qingqing Zhang, Zetao Chen, Zhenghan Shi, Yaru Li, Zijian An, Xin Li, Jianzhen Shan, Yanli Lu, Qingjun Liu, Smartphone-based photoelectrochemical biosensing system with graphitic carbon nitride/gold nanoparticles modified electrodes for matrix metalloproteinase-2 detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 193 (2021) 113572.

[5]  Sze Shin Low, Zetao Chen, Yaru Li, Yanli Lu, Qingjun Liu, Design principle in biosensing: Critical analysis based on graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) photoelectrochemical biosensor, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 145 (2021) 116454.

[6]  Zhenghan Shi, Yanli Lu, Zetao Chen, Chen Cheng, Jie Xu, Qingqing Zhang, Zupeng Yan, Zisheng Luo, Qingjun Liu, Electrochemical non-enzymatic sensing of glycoside toxins by boronic acid functionalized nano-composites on screen-printed electrode, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 329 (2021) 129197.

[7]  Shuang Li, Jinglong Liu, Zetao Chen, Yanli Lu, Sze Shin Low, Lihang Zhu, Chen Cheng, Yan He, Qingmei Chen, Bin Su, Qingjun Liu, Electrogenerated chemiluminescence on smartphone with graphene quantum dots nanocomposites for Escherichia Coli detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 297 (2019) 126811.

[8]  Gang Xu, Yanli Lu, Chen Cheng, Xin Li, Jie Xu, Zhaoyang Liu, Jinglong Liu, Guang Liu, Zhenghan Shi, Zetao Chen, Fenni Zhang, Yixuan Jia, Danfeng Xu, Wei Yuan, Zheng Cui, Sze Shin Low, Qingjun Liu, Battery-free and wireless smart wound dressing for wound infection monitoring and electrically controlled on-demand drug delivery, Advanced Functional Materials (2021) 2100852.

[9]  Jinglong Liu, Zhaoyang Liu, Xin Li, Lihang Zhu, Gang Xu, Zetao Chen, Chen Cheng, Yanli Lu, Qingjun Liu, Wireless, battery-free and wearable device for electrically controlled drug delivery: sodium salicylate released from bilayer polypyrrole by near-field communication on smartphone, Biomedical Microdevices 22 (2020) 53.

[10]       Daizong Ji, Zhouyuanjing Shi, Zixiang Liu, Sze Shin Low, Jingwen Zhu, Tingkai Zhang, Zetao Chen, Xiongjie Yu, Yanli Lu, Di Lu, Qingjun Liu, Smartphone-based square wave voltammetry system with screen-printed graphene electrodes for norepinephrine detection, Smart Materials in Medicine 1 (2020) 1–9.

[11] Gang Xu, Chen Cheng, Wei Yuan, Zhaoyang Liu, Lihang Zhu, Xintong Li, Yanli Lu, Zetao Chen, Jinglong Liu, Zheng Cui, Jingjing Liu, Hong Men, Qingjun Liu, Smartphone-based battery-free and flexible electrochemical patch for calcium and chloride ions detections in biofluids, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 297 (2019) 126743.

[12]       Gang Xu, Chen Cheng, Zhaoyang Liu, Wei Yuan, Xinzhou Wu, Yanli Lu, Sze Shin Low, Jinglong Liu, Lihang Zhu, Daizong Ji, Shuang Li, Zetao Chen, Lisha Wang, Qinggang Yang, Zheng Cui, Qingjun Liu, Battery-free and wireless epidermal electrochemical system with all-printed stretchable electrode array for multiplexed in situ sweat analysis, Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (2019) 1–13.

[13]       Jiajia Wu, Yanli Lu, Zhiqian Wu, Shuang Li, Qian Zhang, Zetao Chen, Jing Jiang, Shisheng Lin, Long Zhu, Candong Li, Qingjun Liu, Two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) with gold nanoparticles for biosensing of explosives by optical spectroscopy, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 261 (2018) 279–287.



[1]  刘清君陈泽涛卢妍利张情情程晨一种便携式激光催化检测装置与方法, 2020.04.15, 中国, 202010294235.1 (已授权)

[2]  刘清君陈泽涛张情情卢妍利刘京龙一种生物调控局域表面等离子体共振的检测装置及方法, 2020.03.26, 中国, 202010223002.2 (已授权)

[3]  刘清君陈泽涛李亚茹卢妍利张芬妮程晨电势扫描局域表面等离子体共振的传感检测装置及方法, 2021.09.13, 中国, 202111068778.2(已授权)



[1]   Zetao Chen, Yanli Lu, Qingjun Liu, Portable and Wearable Sensing Systems: Techniques, Fabrication, and Biochemical Detection. Portable Optical-Electrochemical Coupled Sensing Systems. Wiley (2023)

[2]   Zetao Chen, Yanli Lu, Qingqing Zhang, Diming Zhang, Shuang Li, Qingjun Liu, Electrochemistry Coupling Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance for Biochemical Detection, Biomedical Engineering Technologies. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2393. Springer Humana, New York, (2022) 15-35.

[3]   Yanli Lu, Zetao Chen, Qingjun Liu, Low-Cost Computational Models for Biomedical Sensors, Encyclopedia of Sensors and Biosensors, Elsevier, 4 (2023) 223-235

[4]   刘清君陈星穿戴式与便携式生化传感监测技术世界图书出版公司, 2018, (负责第五章编写)

[5]   刘清君基于手机的电化学生物传感技术科学出版社, 2017, (负责第四章编写)



[1]   2021, 31th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, “Smartphone-based potential-scanning localized surface plasmon resonance biosensor with MXene coated gold nanomushroom for glycosylated hemoglobin detection”, Busan, Korea, Invited Oral Presentation (Top 2.5 %).

[2]   2019年,中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会,基于酶促反应的电势调控局域表面等离子体共振生物传感器研究”, 中国济南,纸质壁报

[3]   2019年,全国博士生学术论坛(生物医学工程),基于智能手机的电势扫描局域表面等离子体共振传感器研究”, 中国杭州,口头报告



[1] 2020年,生物医学工程-智能医学工程全国博士生论坛,竞赛报告,中国天津,三等奖;

[2] 2018年,全国生物医学工程创新设计竞赛,竞赛报告,中国深圳,一等奖;


[1]   2023年,受邀担任SCI期刊Stress and Health(IF=4.1)审稿人;

[2]   2022年,中国生物医学工程学会生物医学传感技术分会会员(M081105253A);

[3]   2021年,受邀担任SCI期刊Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology(IF=5.7)审稿人;