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第二期 | 科研论文写作方法


A simplified sequential and structured approach to writing a paper.




Bethel Osuagwu 博士,现任英国National Health Service (NHS) Mandeville Hospital国家脊柱损伤中心研究员。2011年获得英国利兹大学医学物理专业学士/研究生学位,2015年获英国格拉斯哥大学生物医学工程博士学位,2015年至今在国家脊柱损伤中心从事研究工作。其研究方向为脊柱损伤康复,包括脑-机接口功能性电刺激、感觉运动训练、神经反馈与神经调制、运动想象及脑肌相干性等方面研究。现为医学物理与工程协会会员,发表高影响力论文多篇。“Brain-Computer Interface and Functional Electrical Stimulation for Neurorehabilitation of Hand in Sub-acute Tetraplegic Patients- Functional and Neurological Outcomes”主题报告获2015 NEUROTECHNIX Best Paper。现主持承担NHS和国际脊柱研究基金资助项目3项。





It is important to extract and structure the most relevant information from an experiment to produce a concise and compelling paper. But without a suitable approach, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this tutorial we will look at how a sequential approach could simplify the task. We will talk about how to start with extracting the highlights of the results of an experiment to formulate a main Message. We will look at how to develop the different parts of a regular paper, from the Title to the Conclusion, around the main Message. We will also look at how well-kept structured notes could help when writing a paper.

(编辑 董玥欣)