第一期 | 大肠息肉检测和大肠癌分析计算机辅助诊断系统
Computer-aided diagnostic systems for the detection of colorectal polyps and the analysis of colorectal tumor using colonoscopy images/videos
朱欣,博士,日本会津大学副教授。1995年进入天津大学精仪学院生物医学工程专业(五年制)学习;2000年以综合成绩第一名保送本专业硕士研究生,师从万柏坤教授;2006年获日本会津大学计算机科学与工程博士学位,2011年获得日本会津大学终身教职,于2012年成为本校最年轻的博士生导师,现任日本会津大学上级准教授(Senior Associate Professor),并担任日本计算心电学会理事,信息处理杂志副主编,生物电磁学杂志副主编和SICE 杂志客座编辑。从事生物医学信号处理、建模与仪器化研究,曾主持和参与了日本文部省、日本通产省、日本学术振兴会、日本福岛县、日本光电工业株式会社以及Boston Scientific公司的十数项研究开发工作。他主持研发的18导联心电图技术被评为日本最具代表性的医疗仪器技术,2014年由日本首相官邸网站发布并向全世界推介。获日本Rotary-Yoneyama奖等多项荣誉。
Colorectal cancer has the highest morbidity and the second highest mortality among all cancer in Japan. 80-90% of colorectal cancer is caused by an adenoma-carcinoma sequence and a serrated neoplastic pathway. Therefore, most of colorectal cancer may be prevented if colorectal polyps can be removed timely. Colonoscopy is a golden standard for the diagnosis of colorectal polyps and cancer. However, it is reported that adenoma miss rates at colonoscopy are in a range of 6-27%. Some polyps missed at colonoscopy examinations are within endoscopists’ visual fields but not recognized. In this presentation, we will introduce our automatic polyp-detection system to serve as a second observer and inform endoscopists to unrecognized lesions. In addition, we will also introduce an automatic identification system to find deeply invasive colorectal cancer on non-magnified colonoscopy images.
(编辑 董玥欣)