



2013年毕业于北京协和医学院血液学研究所,获内科学血液病专业博士。2014年至2016年于美国俄亥俄州立大学进行博士后研究,2017年至2019年于美国詹姆斯肿瘤医院与索尔夫研究所细胞治疗实验室担任质量经理职务。2019年入职天津大学进行天然免疫学、肿瘤免疫学、干细胞生物学、转录因子对细胞稳态及功能调控等方向的研究。研究成果以第一或并列第一作者发表于《Journal of Clinical Investigation》,《Stem cell Research & Therapy》,《Cell Death & Disease》,《Stem Cells and Development》,《Stem Cells International》等国际学术期刊。







[1]        Y. Wang, J. Chu, P. Yi, W. Dong, J. N. Saultz, Y. Wang, H. Wang, S. D. Scoville, J. Zhang, L. C. Wu, Y. Deng, X. He, B. L. Mundy-Bosse, A. G. Freud, L. S. Wang, M. A. Caligiuri, and J. Yu, SMAD4 promotes TGF-beta-independent NK cell homeostasis and maturation and antitumor immunity. J Clin Invest, 2018.

[2]        Y. Wang, H. Wu, Z. Yang, Y. Chi, L. Meng, A. Mao, S. Yan, S. Hu, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W. Yu, Y. Ma, T. Li, Y. Cheng, Y. Wang, S. Wang, J. Liu, J. Han, C. Li, L. Liu, J. Xu, Z. B. Han, and Z. C. Han, Human mesenchymal stem cells possess different biological characteristics but do not change their therapeutic potential when cultured in serum free medium. Stem Cell Res Ther, 2014. 5(6): p. 132.

[3]        Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Chi, Q. Zhang, F. Xu, Z. Yang, L. Meng, S. Yang, S. Yan, A. Mao, J. Zhang, Y. Yang, S. Wang, J. Cui, L. Liang, Y. Ji, Z. B. Han, X. Fang, and Z. C. Han, Long-term cultured mesenchymal stem cells frequently develop genomic mutations but do not undergo malignant transformation. Cell Death Dis, 2013. 4: p. e950.

[4]        Y. Wang, Z. B. Han, J. Ma, C. Zuo, J. Geng, W. Gong, Y. Sun, H. Li, B. Wang, L. Zhang, Y. He, and Z. C. Han, A toxicity study of multiple-administration human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in cynomolgus monkeys. Stem Cells Dev, 2012. 21(9): p. 1401-8.

[5]        Y. Wang, Z. B. Han, Y. P. Song, and Z. C. Han, Safety of mesenchymal stem cells for clinical application. Stem Cells Int, 2012. 2012: p. 652034.





2014年 国家科技进步一等奖(成体干细胞救治放射损伤新技术的建立与应用),参与者

2014年 美国博士后奖学金基金(Pelotonia)